So, since my last post was about my classmates, I wanna dedicate this one to my roommates and two of my level-mates.
I want to try every possible way to make every moment count from now on so blogging about the people I love is one of the ways.
Fiqiz, Farah & Mila.
1. Mila
Karmila Rafiqah is my roommate and trust me people, she's a good one too. To me, this girl is quite the bad ass as she knows how to handle an argument. But when it comes to being a roommate, I think she rocks. Tak pernah sekali pun aku ada trouble dengan dia. Pemurah gila perempuan ni. Seriously it's like "Hey kalau nak makan pape just take it okay. If you need to borrow my laptop, dipersilakan. Do you need the broadband? I have it in my drawer." That's not all, kalau dia tau kita ada exam, she'll be like "Good luck kay, do your best!" Although Mila stubborn sikit sebab dia jenis tak berapa join activity kolej, she's actually a really good friend. I actually enjoy the fact that every night dia akan on call, with her hands-free attached to her ears whether dengan her mom or her significant other, at least the room doesn't sound so quiet.
2. Farah Iqah
Farah is the one in the middle. She's so pretty kan? Manis je dia senyum. Farah pulak even tak selalu ada dalam bilik, tapi dia entertaining. Seriously dia sangat suka senyum. She's very friendly, orang Kedah katakan. Dan yang paling hebat pasal Farah is that everytime aku balik pasal cuti panjang, aku akan jadi orang pertama yang masuk bilik to find everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING so neat and tidy. Dia bukan takat kemas bahagian dia, even bahagian aku pun dia pulun sampai habis, sampai dia puas hati. Sebenarnya aku teramat sangat segan bab ni. Yelah, orang penyepah kan. Tetibe ada pulak orang yang kemas tak bergaji. Sumpah, aku terharu gila dengan dia. Dia pun lebih kurang macam Mila jugak perangai, tapi gila-gila sebab kalau dia baca message je, dia kuat gelak.
I appreciate and love them both even lepas ni taktau hala tuju masing-masing ke mana. I mean, both Farah and Mila, everytime I come and go out of the room (for long periods la), diorang mesti tak lekang cakap "take care". Even sounds macam simple but to me, it's very nice to see that there are people who care about you, even if they aren't family. But they're practically my second family. Nothing feels warmer than coming home tired from class and seeing both their faces smiling. Even kalau diorang angry dengan orang lain, diorang tak pernah tunjuk.
And I guess one of the best thing they've ever done is they will always want to make sure that their roommate or anyone around them looks good kalau ada something important. One time, aku pernah nak keluar dengan kawan baik aku, he was pretty important to me, and they were like "Kau nak pakai baju apa, tudung apa, nak pakai makeup ke tak?" Haha, it's very cute actually, macam mak yang concerned anak nak pergi prom semua. Sumpah diorang sanggup pinjamkan tudung, pinjamkan beg, macam-macam lah.
The latest was when aku ada majlis sambutan hari raya dengan FSSR, aku pakai dress labuh, and then (masa ni Farah m.i.a ke masjid kot) Mila tanya aku nak pakai makeup ape. Pehh, aku dah lah tak biasa pakai makeup. Lepas tu dia sanggup call classmate dia suruh turun ke bilik semata-mata nak kasi aku lawa-lawa malam tu. Honestly, dah la dia puji aku comel gila. Aku terharu sangat-sangat.
3. Fiqiz
ThePulFiqiz a.k.a Fiqiz atau nama panjang dia yang dia tak selalu pakai tu even though aku hafal is my level-mate. Bilik setapak dua je. Fiqiz is also ketua level bagi level aku. Fiqiz ni jenis daring, she's cool and she's very loud. I appreciate and love Fiqiz because she's one of the people that I first met when I got into UiTM and she's actually very fun to be around with. Fiqiz selalu, SELALU lepak bilik aku especially untuk study. She can speak and understand many languages and she's fluent in French. Cara Fiqiz cakap macam ganas sikit, ayat fav dia "Sup nigga?". I mean, theres not much I can think of what to write now, all I know is that I'm happy and glad to be friends with Fiqiz just because.
4. Sara Ismi
Sara is the first friend I made at UiTM. Even tak berapa rapat, I still enjoy her company very much. Dia best buds dengan Fiqiz, so sometimes she'll come to our room jugaklah. She's so cool and sangat selamba. The other day, Fiqiz and her were fooling around and I needed a haircut so aku mintak tolong Fiqiz pasal Fiqiz dah biasa potong rambut sendiri. Sara was like "Hey, maybe I wanna cut my hair too." Without thinking about anything, aku gurau la saying that Sara should cut her hair macam Ramona Flowers. Tak pasal-pasal dia setuju. Ehmagaad, cool gila kot dia rambut sepanjang-panjang alam kena potong pendek. Kalau aku dah lama jadi America's Next Top Model masa makeover menangis macam it's the end of the world. Sempoi gila. Kagum aku. She's not your typical girl. Sangat cool.
Anyway, these are the people that I come back to and they are the ones who takes care of me like a mother, listen to my problems like a sister, disagree with me like a brother and advises me like a father. I love them and I hope all of them berjaya capai impian diorang wherever they wanna go.